
Showing posts from May 10, 2020

What is the Traditional African Food Based On? Telenor Answer

Traditional African Food What is the Traditional African Food Based On? Telenor Answer Question: What is the Traditional African Food Based On ? Correct Answer of This Question is:  Crops

What Continent is Mali Located On? Telenor Answer

Continent of Mali is Located On What Continent is Mali Located On? Question: What Continent is Mali Located On ? Correct Answer of This Question is:  Africa

Temperature in the Sahara Can Reach as High as How Many Degrees Fahrenheit? Telenor Answer

Highest Temperature in the Sahara   Temperature in the Sahara Can Reach as High as How Many Degrees Fahrenheit? Question: Temperature in the Sahara Can Reach as High as How Many Degrees Fahrenheit ? Correct Answer of This Question is:  135F

The White Nile and Blue Nile Meet Where in Sudan? Telenor Answer

 White Nile and Blue Nile Meet in Sudan The White Nile and Blue Nile Meet Where in Sudan? The White Nile and Blue Nile Meet Where in Sudan? Telenor Answer Question: The White Nile and Blue Nile Meet Where in Sudan ? Correct Answer of This Question is:  Khartoum

What is the Main Dish in Africa? Telenor Answer

Main Dish in Africa What is the Main Dish in Africa?  What is the Main Dish in Africa? Telenor Answer Question: What is the Main Dish in Africa ? Correct Answer of This Question is:  Couscous